[OBS] Bracknell(Tawfield) Fri 30 Dec 2005
Friday, 30 December 2005
0900 SSE F4 20km -RA RE-RASN 7/ST 8/SC T017D013
RMK: a short, very wishy-washy 'sleet' phase about 30-40 mins ago, but
mostly rain - hard surfaces have some slipperyness to them where snow
from last night settled.
screen min: -01.5 grass min: -02.2 precipitation: 4.3 [24hr total: 04.3
other data: The PPN recorded from rain (and a little sleet - as above)
that has been falling since ~0530Z ]=
1200 SSE F4 25km -RA 2/ST 7/ST 8/NS T042D037
RMK: ragged ST~007, with main ST~009 & NS above~015/020. Lengthy
periods of moderate rain (RA) or rain/drizzle (RADZ) in past 3 hours.
Surfaces all damp/no ice.
Total rainfall last 3 hr: 2.1mm.=
1500 S F3 18km RA 3/ST 7/SC 8/NS T060D057
RMK: St~008, with Sc~015/018 & Ns~030: moderate rain for much of past 3
hours .. rainfall for that period 3.5mm, with total for this event (so
far): 9.9mm.=
1800 WSW F4 30km RE-RA 1/SC 4/SC 5/CI T093D084
RMK: rain ceased ~ 1715Z; Sc~012/Sc~035 with retreating Cirrus above.
Surfaces moist after the chill (including the thermometers - acting like
wet bulbs atm.).
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 09.5 precipitation: 9.9
other data: total rainfall from 0530Z this morning: 14.2mm ]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W