"Col" wrote in message
"MahFL" wrote in message
Just when you're all agog with snow...............
...Late season tropical storm...the 27th of the year...forms in the
eastern Atlantic...
At 1 PM AST...1700z...the center of Tropical Storm Zeta was located
near latitude 25.0 north... longitude 36.9 west or about 1070
miles...1720 km... southwest of the Azores.
I know the season officially ends on Dec1st, but since when did the
ever take notice of 'official' dates?
Does anybody know what the latest date for a tropical storm/hurricane
From the T/S Hurricane FAQ at:-
Subject: E16) When did the earliest and latest hurricanes occur?
Contributed by Chris Landsea
The hurricane season is defined as June 1 through November 30. An early
hurricane can be defined as occurring in the three months prior to the
start of the season, and a late hurricane can be defined as occurring in
the three months after the season. With these criteria the earliest
observed hurricane in the Atlantic was on March 7, 1908, while the
latest observed hurricane was on December 31, 1954, the second “Alice”
of that year which persisted as a hurricane until January 5, 1955. The
earliest hurricane to strike the United States was Alma which struck
northwest Florida on June 9, 1966. The latest hurricane to strike the U.
S. was late on November 30, 1925 near Tampa, Florida. (Contribution from
Blake et al. 2005.)
FAQ & Glossary for uk.sci.weather at:-