Early Spring and Snow?
"Simon S" wrote
This time of year is always a problem for me particularly when its
been so mild. All the flowers are growing and my garden is in bloom
with crocus, snowdrops, and daffs. The cherry blossom is on show in
pick and white like April has started last night.
I did a brief recce of the garden yesterday. It's looking quite good out
there, with not much premature growth and it seems to have been a good
winter for the garden, so far . Everything seems to be keeping its head
down, so I have no major concerns about anything being damaged by cold
weather in the next week or two.
The only incautious plant I have is a Tree Paeony, which is not in a
particularly sheltered spot. It has not only broken dormancy but now has
almost fully-extended leaves. It'll have to take its chances.
Blackmore, SW Essex