Mike Tullett wrote:
http://www.wetterzentrale.de/pics/avnpanel1.html - you can now click
individual chart.
I think you are right, Joe. The previous 9 panel was just one single
whereas now one can click within it to get the individual images enlarged.
Mike 55.13°N 6.69°W Coleraine posted to uk.sci.weather 03/01/2006
17:57:43 UTC
Sorry, but you will have to explain to me how this format is superior
to the basic MSLP charts at 6 hour intervals.
Why not just go to
Click on the model of your choice and then on Mittl.Wolken and you can
peruse the forecasts for the next 2 weeks at your leisure.
The panel allows you to select an individual time frame and see the map in
an enlarged format.
Obviously a miserable New Year for you in Cardiff, or am I being too
pedantic and giving praise when not necessary !?