I remember when I was younger, late 70's and early 80's (too young early
70's) it always seemed to me it ended up colder than forecast, now a days it
does seem to be the other way round.
"Col" wrote in message
"Tom Bennett" wrote in message
"Col" wrote Well bearing in mind that this is 8 days away and probably
happen anyway, there will always be some excuse, the wind
direction wasn't *quite* right, the SST's were too high, the strong
late Feb sunshine melted all the snow..........
Funny how it always turns out to be *warmer* than was forecast, never
other way round.
Is there any reason for this? From my scant knowledge of statistics, I
would have thought that there would have been a proportion of the early
runs that should go the other way. Or am I missing something obvious?
The fact that the media continually over-hype the forecasts?
Bolton, Lancashire.
160m asl.