"Phil Layton" wrote in message
I notice Philip is going for a cold Jan
which is interesting when looking at the Januarys forecast:
which has a westerly prog for the month as a whole.
Phil, it's important to look at the anomaly field as
well ....it indicates a January with an anticyclonic/
northeasterly anomaly, which can roughly be translated
as a January with more anticyclonic weather than
usual, and more frequent northeasterly winds than
It is interesting that, in the last 130 years, only 13
Januarys had an easterly component to the mean sea-level
pressure (as distinct from the anomaly) field, and in
six of these a southerly bias was much more important
than the easterly one (eg Jan 1996 which was strongly
Only two Januarys, 1895 and 1985, showed a
mean monthly NE-ly flow at sea-level, in both cases
just on the NE-ly side of neutral.
Philip Eden