Groundhog weather
For the past two days, the weather can be expressed in two words: Dull,
Cold The temps over the past two days have dead lined at 1c Bored of
Well I know this won't make you feel any better but the weather has been
quite good doon 'ere in Devon. Yesterday was sunny and today it is bright
with the occasional spell of sunshine, and with little or no wind it feels
quite pleasant outside.
Friends say the weather has been rather miserable up in the West Midlands
lately; I remember it well in Worcester, days of anti-cyclonic gloom and
depressingly dull inversion boundaries with consecutive foggy/murky days
when it is so dark that you have to keep the lights on in the house all day.
That's something I definitely do not miss, and so far this winter, we
haven't had down here near where it seems that dull days are comparatively
Nick G
Exe Valley, Devon
50 m amsl
"Joe Egginton" wrote in message
Hello All,
I wish something would happen the weather as been in groundhog mode and
the temps are dead lining.