Kintaline 20ft AMSL Lat 56;30N Long 5;30W nr Oban Argyll
Present 24 Jan.2006
Time: 9.00
Temp: 6.9
Wind: S 2.0
Gust: SSE 7.0 [14 at 0.30 am]
Bar: 1028.3
Rain: 2.4 mm since midnight
Rain for 2006: 153.26. mm
Damp in the air, grey but pleasant enough
Date: 23.Jan.2006
Mean Temp: 8.1
High Temp: 9.2 Time: 13.30
Low Temp: 7.2 Time: 00.00
Rain: 0.4 mm
Max Rate: 0.0 Time: 0.0
Av Wind: 7.2
High Wind: 24 Time: 12.15
Dom Direction: SSW
High Bar: 1031.3 Time: 00.15
Low Bar: 1026.8 Time: 21.30
Nearly warm and nearly dry
regards Jill Bowis - weather webcam by Oban - where we a Kintaline Plant and Poultry Centre