Jack, I am not sure what service you will lose. Do you have a receiver setup
for Meteosat7? If so you will need to install hardware/software and obtain
licences to receive the MSG satellites. If you do this as part of a
commercial operation, you will probably have to pay for the licence, but if
you are a private individual or academic institution, you will not have to
pay a licence fee. You should contact EUMETSAT or the Met Office to discuss
usage if you want to, say, set up a display for the gliding club.
Otherwise, you can always see meteosat8 animations on the eumetsat web site
Bernard Burton
Wokingham, Berkshire, UK.
Satellite images at:
wrote in message
I wrote last night on this but it became submerged in a mass of other
postings, and produced not a single reaction
If we are to lose Meteosat images that will be a huge disappointment to
Would it be possible for members of uk.sci.weather as a bona fide
science group to club together and get a licence for Meteosat Second
Generation images? I seem to recall that the licence fee for an
academic body is around 10,000 euros per year. Divide that by say 200
subscribers and it works out at £30 each. Some password system, or
e-mail list to subscribers, would ensure that the satellite images
would only be available to those who have paid.
This would all take a lot of sorting out, but I for one would severely
miss the satpics (from Meteosat 7) that we get at present. The
financial aspects of administering such a system would be daunting, but
not impossible.
Bernard might have some comments on this.