Meteosat - loss of satpics
Bernard did explain before about setting up a receiver for Meteosat,
but frankly I simply could not manage the technicalities involved.
Equally, the bureaucratic legalise on the Eumetsat site, clearly with a
major input from accountants, leaves me bored - I gave up.
I have to say that my inability to understand things that other might
find easy is not an age factor. I would have understood these
particular things no better 30 or 40 years ago. My brain never has
worked like that and is not likely to start doing so now.
(I am incidentally, BANNED from attempting any DIY in the house!)
Bernard's satpics are brilliant as far as they go, but he is
(seemingly) stuck with a three hour frequency. But these combined with
the hourly Met Office ones from Meteosat 7 enable a pretty good handle
to be kept on things. But if we lose the hourly ones .......
I guess that when the old Meteosat is decommissioned, people like me
will simply have to make do with infrequent images at a long time
interval. But, for example, extrapolation (of eg, cloud movement)
although even now having to be used with caution, will become
impossible. Meteosat images will of course be useful for checking
AFTER the event, but useless for the here and now. But as someone
says, this is progress! (?)
I am not even asking for the images to be free. A modest amount would
be perfectly acceptable. Maybe there is an option at Eumetsat of
pay-as-you-go, but I didn't find it. I happily subscribe today to
Secure Met Office and get a few extras that are not available free.
Maybe MSG might be part of a package in future. I don't know. I
just fear suddenly losing all Meteosat "real time" images from this