Last night's fog
Here in Luton freezing fog (laden with particularly smelly pollution,
as others have mentioned) formed about 20z yesterday (Tuesday 24th),
and visibility remained 150-200m, occasionally thickening to 100-150m
until just after 04z this morning. When I retired at 05z vis had improved
to about 1000m, but it was back down to 400m when I got up at
10z, not clearing fully till after 11z.
My walk home last evening was the foggiest since mid-November.
A quick flick through the observations indicates that the fog was not
confined to Luton.
I am no longer in the habit of watching TV forecasts, but I made a
point of catching the 2230 on BBC1 and the 2330 on N24 last night.
Neither made any mention whatever of fog (or even mist). I didn't
see any of this morning's offerings ... presumably they had caught
up with reality by then?
Philip Eden