[OBS] Bracknell(Tawfield) Wed 25 Jan 2006
Wednesday, 25 January 2006
0900 NW F1 2500 BR 8/ST T-013D-018
RMK: St~008; dull, cold & misty morning - only slight hoar deposit. Fog
for lengthy periods overnight, but visibility above 1 km by 06Z.
screen min: -03.3 grass min: -05.5 precipitation: NIL [24hr total: 00.0
mm] ]=
1045 NNW F1-2 2000 BR RE-RA 7/ST 8/SC T004D-001
RMK: short period (5 mins) very light rain ~1035Z: no impact on
surfaces, and air temperature just above zero by that time. St~007,
1300 N F3 25km - 1/CU T044D026
RMK: ~12Z, Stratus virtually gone, with 7+Sc above~025; this latter
thinned / broke dramatically (clearance from north) from 1240Z, with
current fine sunshine & good visibility.=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W