"Dave.C" wrote in message
Some of us on here (and I include myself) and certainly on TWO avidly watch
the models for trends of cold weather. I have come to the conclusion that we
have been largely deluding ourselves since November with the illusive cold
spell always seemingly two weeks away. "All the ingredients are there". But
aren't they always in reality? Well very soon two weeks away will be too
late. It is clear that last week and current have come very close to
something special. No doubt the conditions over most of NW Europe were
those which the Met Office thought might come close to the UK in their
colder than average forecast for Europe.
It will be interesting to see if Will's boundless optimism will continue
tomorrow. I hope so.
Dave, I'm looking forward to a bit of snow up here on Dartmoor on Friday and
Saturday associated with the cold pool, poss a few flakes too for you in the SE
but beyond that, to be honest I can't see that much snow (not on low ground
anyway). But that's only after a very brief look, I should be doing my usual
forecast tomorrow after looking at things a little more closely.
Perhaps we will be all kissing our sisters goodnight next week! LOL.
(Actually I don't have a sister, which might be a good thing :-) )
Seriously what's really really worrying me is that if this dry weather continues
then you in the SE will be facing one hell of a summer as regards water supply
" Ah yet another day to enjoy "
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