I just wonder what the media will say when we actually do get some severe
winter weather.
I'd say the MO forecast so far has been way off the mark, especially in the
South where it's been quite a mild January and was exceptionally mild in
December. I really don't think using the CET in a forecast is the right
thing to do.
Shaun Pudwell.
"David Allan" wrote in message

"Paul" wrote in message
When are we going to get the extreme cold weather as forecast from the
media in November? Or was it my imagination?
According to the Daily Express, we were supposed to be experiencing an icy
cold blast, sweeping across from Moscow, by Thursday gone. We would all
have our central heating full on and the power stations would be
struggling to cope. Energy bills would be soaring and it would be the end
of the world as we know it.
Now, I know it's a bit nippy outside at the moment, but it's rain, not
snow and it's January, not June... what do you expect?