"John Hall" wrote in message
Also I don't see why you think that December was exceptionally mild in
the south. Philip Eden says in his review of the month at
http://www.climate-uk.com/monthly/0512.htm : "Mean monthly temperature
was close to the long-term average in most parts of the UK - slightly
above in Scotland and Northern Ireland, slightly below in southern
England where it was the coldest December for four years."
.... for us specifically (Bracknell/Tawfield), the anomaly for December
was -1.1degC on the 1971-2000 base-set, probably less, but still
negative, on the 1961-1990 period.
On the Met Office site, the anomaly for 'England and Wales' (NOT the
same as the CET) is noted as being 'equal to the 1961-1990 value'; the
Hadley CET was 4.4, which I estimate is ~ -0.3degC on the 61-90 period
and ~ -0.7degC on the 71-00 set (different datasets will give different
It certainly was *not* exceptionally mild!
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