[OBS] Romsey - Saturday 28th January 2006
SYNOP 28/1950Z
03/// 42960 30518 10028 21048 40250 53015 80002
333 83070 90710 91127=
EG// 281950Z 05018KT CAVOK 03/M05 Q//// BLU=
wind... NE'ly, force 5.
visibility... 10km.
weather... clear, windy and dry.
clouds... 3/8 dense CI at 20000ft retreating to SW.
dry bulb... +2.8C.
dewpoint... -4.8C.
RH... 57%.
sea level pressure... 1025mb (rising).
beaufort letters (1850-1950Z)... bcy.
Nigel (Romsey, Hampshire)