Alex Stephens Jr wrote:
Tulloch Bridge -11°C at 0800Z, up to -9°C at 0900Z.
Copley Met Site screen min -7.1C, -4.0C 09Z, grass min -13.4C
Copley Lead Mill screen min -7.8C, -7.0C 09Z
Overnight min here -7.9C, -6.2C at 1000z.
Steve Loft, Glenlivet. 200m ASL
Weather and webcam:
Overnight minimum -7.3ºC in Wishaw. And not got above -2ºC today with
Freezing fog setting in.
Looks like an ice day in store, most unexpectedly.
It got down to -5.1C here this morning but the wonderful sun has meant we
are now at a balmy 2.7 !
[we are beside the sea]
Jill Bowis
Pure bred utility chickens and ducks
Housing; Equipment, Books, Videos, Gifts
Herbaceous; Herb and Alpine nursery
Working Holidays in Scotland