Late arrivals at the Meteorologists' ball
On 22 Feb 2004 18:25:03 GMT, Richard Dixon
James Brown wrote in
Any more?
A slightly contrived one (in the style of the late Willy Rushton's arrivals)
Mr and Mrs Mat-Change and their son, Clive.
And Ladies and Gentlemen at last, and long-awaited,
Mr and Mrs Lowe and their hyperactive son, Paul R Lowe.
and all the way from Iceland, where they run a Chinese take-away,
Mr and Mrs Ly and their frigid daughter, Ly Ti-Sing.
and Mr and Mrs Warming bringing their son with the radioactive
testicles, known to his friends as Glo-Ball Warming.
and lastly a couple of gatecrashers:
Mr & Mrs Misleadingloadacodswallop and their son, Bill Giles.
Sorry again