Chris wrote:
Martin Rowley wrote:
Overall, this winter so far (in terms of snow, frost, temperature) for
us has been unremarkable, with a 2-month anomaly on 24hr temperature
of -0.3degC on the 1971-2000 eLTA. Given that the 71-00 base-set was
warmer than the 61-90 used by the Met Office, it may in fact be
regarded as "around average".
Overall, this winter so far (in this part of Norfolk) there has been no
weather at all. None. Someone must have turned off the machine.
Swaffham, Norfolk
It feels the same way in this part of Hampshire too. Today we've seen a
rare small glimpse of blue sky but mostly the only variations in the
weather seem to have been the shade of grey above.
ho hum.
Will you, William?