Late arrivals at the Meteorologists' ball
"Richard Dixon" wrote in
. 1.4...
"Robert Hill" wrote in
And a special hello to this fleeting threesome, just
arrived from the
Fishermen's Ball....but suitably attired for the
Meteorologist's Ball
also : Mr and Mrs Erbank and their Dog.
I should also like to add that accompanying them, fresh
from the
Hospital Ball, ably organised by Lady Owers and her
husband ,Sir Gerry,
were a Scandinavian threesome also, Mr and Mrs Toplast,
and their son
Lars. I hear the music was organised by Mr and Mrs Ube
and their
pornographic son, Blue Dan.
Well, if we're off topic, let's not forget Sir Jekyll
And if memory serves me right, I distinctly recall him
arriving in his Humber, dressed as always in a Fair Isle