Late arrivals at the Meteorologists' ball
"James Brown" wrote in message
The wife suggested a thread on the lines of the 'I'm sorry I haven't a
clue' prog.
Oh, we are honoured .... it's that well-known TV weatherman with
four old girlfriends in tow ... there's Miss Bitz, that's Fluffy Bitz,
bright'n breezy as always ... just behind her, a vision in grey, is
Miss T Ann Merky ... and there's Miss Dismal, my, my, she does
look gloomy, does dull Ann Dismal ... not so Alicia --
Alicia smiled!
And now, place your hands together, for the famous
medium, Neville Instability ... really dolled up to the nines
tonight ... yes, he is ... he's wearing his Spanish plume and
his sequined cloak, my, that really is a high-valued cape.
Right behind him are his best friends, Al Tocumuluscastellanus
and Anne Ville who turn in our direction to give us a frontal
Philip Eden
(There's a rude one too, but you'll have to ask for it)