"Richard Orrell" wrote in message
Today's max +4.5 deg. C (at 10:58)
Current (21:30)
Temp +0.1 deg. C, DP -1.2 deg. C, RH 91%, wind 010 02KT, pressure 1023
Now where have those early signs of Spring gone to ?
Dartington, South Hams, Devon.
100 ft AMSL.
50' 12N, 03' 24W.
He he as I have been saying, far too early for Spring, still very much
early/mid-winter up here on Dartmoor. Temperature falling like a stone now in
Haytor, at 2150 it is -2.1 deg C in thick fog. Grass starting to get some ice on
it now.
" Ah yet another day to enjoy "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
www: http://www.lyneside.demon.co.uk/Hayt...antage_Pro.htm
DISCLAIMER - All views and opinions expressed by myself are personal
and do not necessarily represent those of my employer.