On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 11:02:06 GMT, Steve Loft
Apparently the coast here is a hot-spot for "exhilarating" storms:
"Banffshire Coastal Tourism Partnership said: "What better way to
experience nature and the beauty of Banff's coast than to see the
power of a storm."
Pretty stupid , is this. The more you think abouut it, the more stupid
it seems. In fact, the *only* reason I can think they might be saying
it is desperation to get a mention - ANY mention - in the media.
If that's the best that Banff can offer - a one in 1,000 or worse
chance that I'll be there when a spectacular storm is occurring - and
that I'll be able to be outdoors watching it at the time, I won't be
heading there anytime soon!