Late arrivals at the Meteorologists' ball
Please welcome Claire Skyes but it's good to see the back of her
Auntie, Syclonic-Gloome.
And now someone we saw in the Severn valley, earlier this month:
Sir Virefludwarning.
Right now, though, we need to watch out for Auntie Syclone's
Merry D.O.Nal, Sir Cuylation.
If they overstay their welcome, we will see the return of
Major Drought, Walter Shortages and, maybe even, Jose Pypebann, next
What's more, our usual thundering guest can't come – you know, Nymbus.
Sorry to be politically incorrect, but Auntie Syclone has become
rather large lately, regularly becoming a blocking Auntie Syclone in
the doorway.
But let's make a quick diversion to the Astronomers' Ball, where
Claire Skyes is always very welcome, unlike her sister Cloe Dee Skyes.
Zola E. Clypes, Shelly Clypse and their father, Par Shelley Clypse
were big there in 1999.
Who would forget last year's celebrity guest, Madge Netique-Storms?
Then there were all those mums speaking out against plans to ban
pushchairs from the ballroom, last summer; yes, lots of Ma's in
Next June, if you go out to the car park, you may even be lucky to
catch Venus in a transit.
Finally, for anyone familiar with weather stations, Orey's doing a
Physics degree. Yes, Orey Gone scientific. I hear she is working with
a Ray D.O. Frequency-Sensor.
Joan Lee