Will this be the coldest winter since 1995/96?
Just about every winter here since 1995/96 has seen more cold and snow
than this current winter.
I have only had 9 days with a maximum below 4C (6 in Dec, 1 in Jan and
2 so far in Feb). There were 5 days with max below 4C last autumn (all
in Nov.)
Snow or sleet has fallen on only 7 days ( 5 in Dec, 0 in Jan, 2 in Feb)
and has been observed lying on 6 mornings (5 in Dec, 1 in Feb). In
addition November had 6 days of snowfall and 3 days with snow lying.
The aggregate snow depth (including Nov) is currently 23cm with max
fall of 6cm. If no subsequent fall exceeds 6cm it will be the first
time this has happened in two successive winters since 88/89 and 89/90.
Walking in the park this morning it was springlike with blue skies,
birds chirping and crocuses nearly out in flower. Even daffodils are
well-advanced for the time of year and if the weather remains as
frost-free as it has generally been this winter I wouldn't be surprised
if the first one appears out in flower before the end of the month. The
usual time for spotting the first daffodil in recent years has been
There has also been a noticeable lack of rain since New Year with only
28.0mm so far. February has seen just 5.4mm.
Richard Slessor,
Hazlehead, Aberdeen.