[OBS] Bracknell(Tawfield) Sun 12 Feb 2006
Sunday, 12 February 2006
0900 SSW F3 12km -RA 2/ST 6/SC 8/NS T044D038
RMK: St~008, Sc~012, Ns~018; recent spells of moderate rain; rain began
overnight circa 0230Z, with some short-lived heavier pulses since 0530Z;
screen min: 02.1 grass min: -02.2 precipitation: 7.7 [24hr total: 07.7
other data: Sharp fall in surface temperature last evening, hence
temporary ground frost. ]=
1200 S F3 7000 -RA BR 6/ST 8/NS T065D061
RMK: Additional rainfall since 09Z .. 1.5mm, so total this 'event' now
9.2mm; Lowest cloud base~006.=
1800 WSW F2-3 4500 -RA BR 7/ST 8/SC T084D079
RMK: St~010, Sc~015/018. Heights may be greater, the base rather
difficult to determine properly.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 08.8 precipitation: 5.2
other data: Rain has continued without a break since ~0230Z. The total
since that time is 12.9 mm, and it is thus the wettest 18-18 (24hr)
period since 30th December last. All surfaces wet.]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W