"Graham Easterling" wrote in message
Penzance Weather www.easterling.freeserve.co.uk/weather.html
Holiday Cottage www.easterling.freeserve.co.uk
"Nick G" wrote in message
After sunny spells & 12.0 yesterday (oh yes, on yesterdays 17:55 forecast
we were informed it had been a grim day.
I was amazed when the forecaster said that yesterday afternoon as well,
especially as I looked out over the village green as it basked in the warm
sunshine, the daffodils, snowdrops, primroses and crocuses all now in
One thing I've noticed in Cornwall is that the snowdrops, crocuses & daffs
all come out at about the same time. In fact last year, when the daffs were
exceptionally early (many fields in bloom early January), they were before
the crocuses.
Further up country, they nearly always come out in sequence
It appears that crocuses are more controlled by hours of daylight, and
therefore are more fixed in the time of year they flower, than daffodils
which seem to be temperature controlled.
Any horticulturalists out there to deny or confirm this?
I'm not a horticulturist but I think you may be wrong Graham.
Crocuses are not very good in my garden and have come out later than daffodils,
which have appeared generally in mid-March, so it can't be hours of daylight as
I almost get the same as you. Snowdrops are always first though, even up here.
Still very much winter on Dartmoor (as it should be of course) and with gales,
rain, hill sleet and hill snow on the way it looks like staying that way, which
suits me just fine, Spring can wait till April when the days are longer and you
can really get out and enjoy it!
" Ah yet another day to enjoy "
A COL BH site in East Dartmoor at Haytor, Devon 310m asl (1017 feet).
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