"Richard Orrell" wrote in message
Today's max +9.2 deg. C
Today's precip 8.4mm (monthly total so far 55.4mm)
Current 22:00 UTC.
Temp +6.6 deg. C, DP +5.2 deg. C, RH 91%, wind 250 05KT, pressure 983
hPa, present weather: SHRA, in fact more like RA during the past hour or so.
All surfaces sodden.
Hi Richard,
You can say that again. When I went out to read the rain gauge this evening I
slipped on the wet grass (slight slope) and immediately gouged out a very muddy
bit. Got quite windy up here this evening with temperature hovering around plus
4 deg C. Still could be all white this time next week VBG.
" Ah yet another day to enjoy "
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