Countryfile Forecast 19/02
Graham wrote:
I reckon March may be the month when we see some snow, lets face it
there's more chance of snow in Autumn and Spring than Winter these days!
As forecast by N E Davis about 35 years ago! Well, "forecast" is perhaps too
strong a word but he did point out the 100-year (if I remember correctly)
temperature cycles of the seasons and that they were out of phase with each
other. Winters were at the low point of their cycle in the sixties and, if
the cycle continued, they would still be warming and heading for a maximum
in ten years time. Autumns were in about an opposite phase to winters and
were then just passing their maximum and so should be reaching their
coldest point in a decade. Springs had just come to the end of a 50-year
warm period and were headed for 50 cold years. I can't remember the pattern
for the summers but am guessing the opposite phase to the springs.
Graham Davis