Felly sgrifennodd John Hall :
I suppose that the great advantage of GPS over map-reading occurs when
the visibility becomes too poor to see the landmarks shown on your map.
I don't get it. I use a GPS and a map. Today, when a footpath through dense
woods petered out into nothing, I'd have been in some trouble without both,
being within an hour of sunset at the time. I used the GPS to find out
where I was on the map!
Weather for my walk was overcast, misty around the summits (just short of
600m) but relatively clear beneath.
Adrian (12 miles ESE Aberystwyth, 260m/860ft asl)
Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac.
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais uk