Environment on the Edge
"Weatherlawyer" wrote in message
Lawrence Jenkins wrote:
"Weatherlawyer" wrote in message
dove wrote:
Climate change: One the edge- Greenland ice cap breaking up at twice
the rate it was five years ago, says scientist Bush tried to gag
Cobblers snipped
Much as there is to be desired in the mankey, I fear that the blame for
random speculations snipped from the web sites of serious scientific
organisations for reasons of their lack of any factual content can not
be laid at the base of his tree-den.
This is all the more likely as the Presidunce can't even read a
children's book let alone find his way around a website. Anyone who,
despite the reports of the Incumberance's lack of activity when one of
the largest cities in the USA needed his attention the most, aught to
realise the gross over-simplification the OP has spun on this.
What tosh. Do you realise the USA responded far quicker to the Tsunami
then the inept United Nations.
As if I had any respect for the UN?
What has that to do with the inaction over Katrina? Or anything ese in
the thread for that matter?
The OP said it was the head chimp's fault that some sort of control is
still exercised over the NASA site. I was just pointing out the
dick-head hasn't got control over when and where to relieve his
He had to fly over New Orleans twice before he could find it.
Rumour has it that the only reason he had kids was to stop his wife
taking any more of his bananas.
Typical "lets hate America" bandwagon stuff. I'm sure Saddam would have
dealt with it far more efficiently.
Or how about the Italians, whose ex PM apparently gave our own 'Casino
Queen' Tessa Jowel's husband a £346,00 bribe too give false evidence. Or
how about Britain which is suffering rising endemic violent crime that's
being kept under wraps.
America have the misfortune to suffer naturally occurring serious disasters
such as Earthquakes, Tornado's and Hurricanes let alone severe winter
weather and droughts and that was before global warming!
Imagine the moribund EEC dealing with a disaster on Katrina's scale.
Yeah they'd be more concerned about 'coffin quotas ' and the like.
Okay what about the left's citadel of cultural power-the UN?
Yep good old Koffi, Kojo et.al, certainly did a fantastic job in feeding the
Iraqi people in the "Oil for Food scandal. Yep many billion's of dollars
into private Swiss bank accounts.
The USA suffer severe Hurricane & Tornado damage costing billions of
dollars year in and year out, yet Democracy prevails.
Lawrence -very irritated by continuous Shoot down American season. It's the
best yer gonna get.