David Buttery wrote here on 23
Feb 2004:
I'm sure this has been asked before, but I can't find it on
Google, so... is there a website anywhere with a TAF decoder?
Ah, never mind, I think I've more or less got the hang of it now - to
keep things on topic, here's a recent one with (I hope!) a correct
EGBB 241038Z 241812 34008KT 9999 SCT030
TEMPO 1823 8000 -RA BKN012 PROB40
TEMPO 1823 4000 -RASN BKN008
Birmingham Airport, issued 24th (ie today) at 10:38z. Valid from
18:00 tonight to 12:00 tomorrow. Wind 8 kts from bearing 340 degrees.
Visibility more than 10km. Scattered clouds 3000 feet. Between 18:00
and 23:00 a 30-50% chance of visibility reducing to 8000 metres with
light rain and broken cloud at 1200 feet, and also a 30-50% chance of
visibility down to 4000 metres with light sleet and broken cloud at
800 feet.
Above address *is* valid - but snip spamtrap to get me to *read*!
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