[OBS] Bracknell(Tawfield) Mon 20 Feb 2006
Monday, 20 February 2006
0900 NE F5 20km - 1/CU 3/AS 8/CS T049D-009
RMK: Cu fra~025, 2Sc~040, 1Ac~100, As~140 (thinning/retreating),
Cs~200, with Cirrus/COTRA either embedded or on top of. A distinct
'edge' to the wind!
screen min: 04.0 grass min: 03.3 precipitation: 5.8 [24hr total: 13.0
other data: Despite the heavy and prolonged rainfall, all hard surfaces
are near-dry now after a night of brisk wind & lowering dew point. The
sun is trying to shine weakly at the moment. ]=
1800 NNE F4 25km - 1/CU 6/CI T038D-005
RMK: trace Cu fra~025/030, with extensive Cirrus above. A short, sharp
(squally) shower ~1515Z, but only yielded a trace of rainfall in the
gauge. Other scrappy showers thereafter.
[ DAYTIME DATA (09Z - 18Z):
screen max: 06.5 precipitation: tr
other data: hard surfaces dry. ]=
Bracknell (Wooden Hill/Tawfield), Berkshire, UK
NGR: SU 854 667 Elev: 80m
Lat: 51° 23' 30'' N: Long: 00° 46' 28'' W