"Weatherlawyer" wrote in message
lawrence Jenkins wrote:
The USA suffer severe Hurricane & Tornado damage costing billions of
dollars year in and year out, yet Democracy prevails.
Where? Have you ever heard ofa company called Diebold?
Lawrence -very irritated by continuous Shoot down American season. It's
best yer gonna get.
Define American you absolute plonker.
If you are talking about the USA perhaps you would care to explain why
not one senior officer in fact nobody over the rank of an NCO has ever
been found guilty of any misconductin any of the manufactured disasters
that can be laid at the door of the monkey in the the White House.
As for any international aid that the USA manage to send out. It
doesn't quite gel with the Gretna town sherriff's office preventing any
help going to that stadium in New Orleans now, does it? Nor does the
abjact neglect of oversight that the federal government put itself into
for most of a week.
So do you wonder why the countries that are in continual need of aid
never seem to get their accountants into gear? Wake up you troll.
There we have it.
"wake up you troll"
That very term lets me know you are no older than forty and no younger
than twenty.
Now please pray tell me .Why should the USA even countenance financial aid
for countries that don't countenance aid for the USA.
Where is it written in history that the USA is responsible for the rest of
the world.. Did they have colonies?