[WR] Dartington, South Hams - it's just not cold!
Today's max +3.8 deg. C
Today's precip (so far) 5.8mm
Current (21:00)
Temp. +3.7 deg. C, DP +1.7 deg. C, RH 87%, wind 030 04KT, pressure 1027
Considering the source and partial thickness of the airmass I am amazed how
comparatively mild it is, and it feels it! It has been a surprisingly wet
day in the South Hams, fairly constant light to MOD RA between 0800 and
1800, but just not that cold. The average temperature since midnight last
has been +3.4 deg. C and with the DP still positive it feels not too bad. I
will be most surprised if anything of a more wintry nature falls from the
sky in this part of Devon during the next few days at least....
Dartington, South Hams, Devon.
100 ft AMSL.
50' 12N, 03' 24W.