[WR} Dartington, South Hams - only rain..
"Richard Orrell" wrote in message
Today's max +3.4 deg. C
Today's precip (so far) 1.0mm
Current (22:30)
Temp +3.1 deg. C, DP +1.4 deg. C, RH 89%, wind 010 03KT, pressure 1018 hPa,
continuous light rain. All surfaces wet....if the cloud does break overnight
then surfaces may be treacherous in the morning as per the Met O warning.
This appears to be another 'hill event' so far. It looks like you need at
least 600 feet underneath you before you see anything wintry on the ground
in this part of the SW.
Will - hope you will be able to get to work in the morning ;-)
Hi Richard, snow won't be the problem, but as you say, ice might, we shall see.