Stephenson screen - plan?
Andy Morse wrote:
I am collaborating with a health research group in Niger, west Africa
who want to install climate stations at over 40 sites. Their budget
is limited and would appreciate a copy of a plan to construct
Stephenson Screens locally. I have looked on the Internet for such
information so far with no success and I cannot find my copy of the
Observers Handbook in case it has such a plan. If anyone can help it
would be much appreciated.
In addition if anyone has experience and tips on running a screen and
instruments in a hot dry dusty to hot wet humid (dry season/wet
season) environment please get in touch. The observers are not
meteorologists - so any thoughts or exeriences there might be useful
What's the full list of instruments involved?
There's a few tricks I've learned from living in the inland tropics,
such as adding a thymol crystal to the wet bulb reservoir, but I'd
also wonder if *Stevenson* screens and traditional instruments are the
way to go.
Unless you're looking to train met observers and cabinet makers, any
of the modern automatic weather stations can provide a full range of
observations of acceptable accuracy (but not necessarily to met bureau
standards) for what is probably a lot less than the cost of a screen
(even where labour is cheap). And a lot less upkeep.
John H