[WR] Dartington, South Hams - very wet snow
"Richard Orrell" wrote in message
Last night't min +0.4 deg. C (last air frost 18th Feb.)
Current 07:45
Temp +1.9 deg. C, DP -0.6 deg. C, RH 83%, wind 030 02KT, pressure 1017 hPa.
We have 1-2cm of very wet snow, which is melting quickly. But still, this is
a rare event for the South Hams and to be enjoyed.
Excellent! I'm really chuffed for you Richard. I thought you'd get something
this spell. A lot of lowland South Devon (Teignmouth to Torbay) looked white
this morning. Reliably informed of 1cm snow in Chudleigh Knighton (end of Teign
valley), another place where lying snow is very rare. All looks to be gone now
though except on higher hills.