[WR] High Dartmoor 26/2/06 (Very deep snow and a surprise)
Will Hand wrote:
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This posting expresses the personal view and opinions of the author.
Something which everyone on this planet should be able to do.
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Some superb snow condirions on the high plateau today above 500m asl (probably
previous days as well). Miles and miles of deep soft powder snow 15-20 cms
depth. On lee slopes much more than that, over 40cms in places. Fell down
several snow holes on the walk, one up to my chest which was worrying. Drifts to
lee of every substantial obstacle, many over 1 metre high and one over 2 metres.
Army tracks are impassable being covered in up to a metre of snow. On the
escarpment from Yes Tor to High Wilhays (circa 620m asl), quite icy conditions
and a force 7 with temperature well below freezing gave serious wind chill
conditions. However, the highlight of the walk for me was that in the lee of
Row Tor (near Belstone) there was the remains of a fairly well constructed
igloo! Possibly army built. The conditions today were really for experienced and
well-equipped walkers only but were not dangerous due to cloud well above the
tops and only a few very light snow flurries to worry about. Best winter walking
I have ever had on Dartmoor.
jpgs ?