Driving conditions
We have all seen idiots on the road, but this morning I was nearly taken out
by a people carrier that went straight across the road in front of me, on a
sharp right hand bend. I was going uphill approaching the bend and was
literally 10- 15 feet away when he went across me.
The road was treacherous with snow on ice, but certainly driveable, but the
speed he was going at was unbelievable. It really was seriously close.
On other occassions on the Wolds roads, which are quiet and generally fast,
I have seen people overtaking at speed on snowbound roads,
Unsurprisingly I lost count of the number of cars I saw in the ditch today.
I'm not really sure of what the point is I'm trying to make, but how on
earth do we cope with these idiot drivers? They're bad enough on dry sunny
David Mitchell, 70m amsl, Langtoft, East Riding of Yorkshire.