Felly sgrifennodd James Brown :
Mid afternoon brought a few centimetres in blizzard like conditions for
ten minutes or so - now at approaching 1900 the ground is still
predominantly white - and this at sea level - how are you doing Howard
and Adrian?
Amazingly disappointing. Lots of snow showers, even in Aberystwyth where I
was this afternoon. It settled in town for short periods where it had been
blown into grass embankments. I returned home through moderate snow at 5:30
to find absolutely nothing lying here. The sun must have melted it all whilst
I was away; there was at least a little when I left at 1:00.
It's been pretty much dry since then. I'm looking forward to seeing what
tomorrow brings though.
I think part of the problem is that the ground was never really cold enough,
although the air temperature was cold.
Adrian (260m/860ft asl, 12 miles ESE Aberystwyth)
Adrian Shaw ais@
Adran Cyfrifiadureg, Prifysgol Cymru, aber.
Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, Cymru ac.
http://users.aber.ac.uk/ais uk