10th anniversary of uk.sci.weather
Congratulations Philip et al for starting something that gives me immense
pleasure - and yes some frustration.
The fact that it is a part of my everyday life indicates that it is indeed,
a success.
I have not been around for those 10 years, I think it's 7 and I lurked for a
while before (as a mere amateur) I felt confident enough to actually be able
to communicate with the professionals.
I have learnt huge amounts about this subject that fascinates us all and
feel that I have also made friends with many of the contributors.
Unfortunately, I have only met two, but I would love the opportunity to meet
you all.
There have been times when I too have wondered about the mentality of some
contributors, there have been times when I too have come in for criticism
(eg Will's snow forecast recently), but I hope and believe, that the
regulars on here are hadry and friendly bunch who take everything in their
Recently it has been quieter on here and all the better for it. The snow
rampers and other have found other boards for their moronic posts and that
has helped to strengthen it. I believe that this group is healthier and
stronger now than it has been for some time.
Once again congratulations - I hope that someone might actually have it in
them to consider organising an event to celebrate the success.
Thank-you everyone for your input.
David Mitchell, 70m amsl, Langtoft, East Riding of Yorkshire.