Cloud name sought...
Les Hemmings wrote:
Can anyone tell me the name of the sort of cloud we had here in Kent
recently. Looks a bit like an anvil thunderhead, very white flat top, with
what looks like a "waterfall" falling out of the bottom. Inverted triangle
in overall shape, often the wind sheers the falling ice crystals to one side
making a few of these things look almost artificial or even "angelic" Made
me think of the alien in The Abyss.
Any ideas? trying to describe it to someone and a picture would really
help. Been looking through cloud galleries all morning..
An informal name would be an Expiring Cu-nim, or, in Monty
Python mode, a Late Cu-nim, only there because it's been nailed to the
tropopause. There were a number seen here yesterday afternoon.
Tudor Hughes, Warlingham, Surrey.