In message , Graham
Not sure if this will be significant or not.
Don't think most of us need to worry!
Helen Young yesterday said they were now very confident of a
significant snow event from the Midlands North but I think it's only
the hills of the Scotland and the far North I expect any significant
They get all excited when they see any white stuff on the horizon and
move into over hype!
I suppose these BBC weather people have had to wait so long to see a
severe widespread snowstorm over the UK, they even get excited when a
minor event like this comes along!
A man I know, who works in local government, attended a Plain English
course. Wonder if presenters might benefit from this. The redundant
'event' after 'snowfall' and 'time' after 'night' yesterday illustrate
the standard now. It would help if the presentation didn't distract from
the content.
Who is the calmest and clearest? Excluding the radio presenters, of
Peter Thomas