Summer 2006 - a damp squib
On Fri, 17 Mar 2006 08:43:57 -0000, "Will Hand"
"Scott Whitehead" wrote in message
.. .
With the current weather pattern quite similar to last year I wonder
if this summer will be similar to last - ie very unremarkable.
Thoughts anyone?
Last summer was beautiful. Not too hot and quite dry.
At least it was here on Dartmoor. So bring it on!
You can never win with value judgements Scott!
Will (hot weather (25 deg C) hater).
To be honest, Will, I'd like a clear northerly airstream here. So any
hot weather would be tempered by very low dew points. And
thunderstorms every three nights to keep the lawn green - now that
I've exchanged my hosepipe for three cactus plants!