[WR] Dartington, South Hams - chilly and grey
It has turned into a delightful day - barely 1/8 very shallow CUSC, strong
Spring sunshine beating down.
13:35 UTC
Temp +9.1 deg. C
DP +1.7 deg. C
RH 57%
Wind NNE 05KT gust 12KT
Best wishes,
"Richard Orrell" wrote in message
Yesterday's max +6.2 deg. C
Last night's min +0.9 deg. C
Current 09:05 UTC
Temp +2.4 deg. C
DP -1.1 deg. C
RH 78%
Wind ENE 02KT
Pressure 1015.2 hPa
Precip Nil
Cloud solid and fairly thick, some brighter patches. 8/8 cover.
Dartington, South Hams, Devon.
100 ft AMSL.
50' 12N, 03' 24W.