Earth Cooling !
GuidoXVI wrote:
On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 16:28:59 -0500, Rex Tincher wrote:
Invest in bull**** repellent. In the 1970s the weather scientists
After reading this little screed, I'll need a vat of the stuff.
media attention and government grants by predicting a new ice age.
That scam ran dry so then they started predicting global warming.
There have been warnings about CO2 buildup and its possible effect
on world climate since the 1960s. There was also, for a time, a
cooling trend that some scientists assumed was the start of another
ice age. World climate is a set of cycles within cycles. What its
trend looks like at any given moment is at least partly a function of
where you start examining the data.
It's 10 PM here - I've collected enough data over the past 6 hours to
confirm that Global Darkening is a reality! We must become more
enlightened! =)