Ah yes, someone else who listens to the major media pushing their agenda and
NOT to the truth.
Dude, if you even WATCHED FNC / MSNBC / CNN you'd learn VERY quickly that
the majority is actually the minority and how those select few want this
country to be run, and get what they want.
come out of your cave, dig your head out of your ass and smell the sewage
infested gerth we call reality.
Or just watch FNC beyond Bill O'Reilly and maybe you'd see the light. oops,
maybe not. your too blinded by 'elite media'.
Oh and don't forget. These are just our opinions. Time (not the magazine)
will show the truth.
"GuidoXVI" wrote in message

On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 16:28:59 -0500, Rex Tincher wrote:
Invest in bull**** repellent. In the 1970s the weather scientists got
After reading this little screed, I'll need a vat of the stuff.
media attention and government grants by predicting a new ice age.
That scam ran dry so then they started predicting global warming.
There have been warnings about CO2 buildup and its possible effect
on world climate since the 1960s. There was also, for a time, a cooling
trend that some scientists assumed was the start of another ice age. World
climate is a set of cycles within cycles. What its trend looks like at any
given moment is at least partly a function of where you start examining
the data.
Politicians and environmentalists love global warming because they can
"cure" it by imposing billions of dollars in energy taxes and reducing
our standard of living. Greed and envy are powerful human motivators,
especially in people who believe that they are too noble to be subject
to greed and envy.
Yes. We want to strip you of your worldly goods. You see, you
exist at the center of our universe, which is why we want to see as
much harm come to you and your kind as possible. Why? Oh, it doesn't
really matter, does it? You are you. We hate you. We want to see you
suffer because it suits us. Because it makes us happy.
"Too noble to be subject to greed", my ass. What I'm looking
at is someone too caught up in his own BS to even try to understand
the truth. Right or wrong, there are serious scientists concerned
about global warming. There also appear to be at least a few who
aren't. Both have points to make. Perhaps you ought to try informing
yourself before jumping to conclusions.
If you ever decide you want to find out a little about
the history of the idea, do a Google search on "global warming history
(of) idea)". You'll find a considerable range of opinion.
Or, you could just go to some idiot right-wing conspiracy
website (www.foxnews.com, for instance) and you'll be treated to
your world just the way you like it.