Earth Cooling !
On Fri, 07 Nov 2003 06:34:49 GMT, "Bob Harrington"
Strider wrote:
How about if we just go to the trouble to PROVE what the problem is
(if there is a problem) and PROVE what needs to be done about it
BEFORE disrupting the economy and personal freedom.
If the eco-nuts can prove to me that X causes global warming, global
warming is a bad thing, and Y will fix the problem, I'm in. What we
have is bull**** theories that even the scientists cannot agree upon.
Even worse, massive amount of money and restrictions on personal
freedom are invested in fixes for theoretical problems that, for all
they know, might make the situation worse.
Do not give me a bunch of crap theories. I want provable facts.
Update. My data now indicates that Global Darkening may have reached a
temporary plateau. I still urge all nations of the world to immediately
release as much hydrogen and helium into the atmosphere as possible to
help it become lighter again.
It seems like there is an excess of methane floating about.