I'm also in southern Ontario.
We do have a weather radio warning system that could warn about
approaching tornados.
Unfortunately Environment Canada's implementation of the system is
The alert tone sounds multiple times within minutes.
The alert tone sounds for events that are occurring far from the
The alert tone sounds every time there is an update during a storm
warning. Note that an "update" might just be a new bulletin stating
that the storm warning is continued.
I have had the tone sound at least 10 ten times over a 2 hour period,
with perhaps 3 being legitimate.
The system has become useless because of the "cry wolf" situation they
have created.
The frustrating thing is 3-4 years ago it was a good system.
I have contacted them and am told the problem cannot be fixed and is
inherent in the system. I don't understand that because it worked 3-4
years ago.
I've turned mine off because I'm tired of being woke up in the night
multiple times to hear a storm watch is continued for an area 200 km
On 27 Jul 2004 05:35:37 -0700,
(Justa Guy)
Is there a good weather warning system in Canada for Southern Ontario.
I live along the St. Clair river where we can be hit by tornados.
I used to subscribe to Direct TV and watched the American weather
channel. They didn't report on Ontario, but the doppler radar made
things real obvious for the area I live in.
Now we subscribe to Bell Express View and the Canadian weather channel
I can't understand why we don't have early warnings for tornados like
the Americans do.
Southern Ontario is more vulnerable to life threatening weather than
any other part of the region.
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